Evolutionary Empowerment™

Your Empowered Journey Home To You.

Evolutionary Empowerment™ Curriculum

Transform the Unknown Mystery Within You Into Empowered Love In Action and Heart Inspired Mastery In The World.

    1. A Message From Iana Lahi

    2. Ignited In The Light - My Story

    3. Best Practices To Optimize Your Experience Of Evolutionary Empowerment™

    4. Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers - Introduction-

    5. Spirit Gateways® BELIGHT MEDITATION® - Introduction -

    6. Spirit Gateways® LoveTo BE the Movement® - Introduction

    7. Spirit Gateways® MasterHeart MasterMind™ Group Mentoring - Introduction

    8. Dominant Non-Dominant Hand Writing

    1. PART I - Whole Self Workout™ - Introduction

    1. Module 1.0 - Introduction - Finding The Power Of Your True Self

    2. 1.1 - Showing Up

    3. 1.2 - Getting On Track

    4. 1.3 - Meet Your Resistance

    5. 1.4 - Rescue Mission

    6. 1.5 - Summary - Finding The Power Of Your True Self (ADD WRITTEN CONTENT)

    1. Module 2.0 - Introduction - Retraining Yourself For Success

    2. 2.1 - What Should I Empower

    3. 2.2 - How Do You Turn Against and Away From Yourself

    4. 2.3 - See Through The Cracks

    5. 2.4 - Integrating Your Power With infinite Source

    6. 2.5 - Summary - Retraining Yourself For Success (ADD WRITTEN CONTENT)

    1. Module 3.0 - Introduction - Receiving Your Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies

    2. 3.1 - Opening Your Heart To Receive the Power Of Your True Feminine

    3. 3.2 - Opening Your Heart to Receive the Love of Your True Masculine

    4. 3.3 - Going Beyond Separation and Duality To Find Your Self

    5. 3.4 - The Union of Love and Power

    6. 3.5 - Summary - Receiving Your Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies (ADD WRITTEN CONTENT)

    1. Module 4.0 - Introduction - Standing In Your Self

    2. 4.1 - How to Support Your Self From Within

    3. 4.2 - Bringing Together Your Strengths and Weaknesses

    4. 4.3 - Where Spirit Meets Your Body

    5. 4.4 - The Meeting Of Heaven and Earth Within You

    6. 4.5 - Summary - Standing In Your Self (ADD WRITTEN CONTENT)

About this course

  • $777.00
  • 119 lessons
  • 38.5 hours of video content

BE Empowered From Your Daily Practice

Spirit Gateways® BELIGHT MEDITATION® and LoveToBE the Movement® practices, along with the Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers system and MasterHeart MasterMind™ group mentoring, work together as vital components of the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ to guide you into the union of your bodymind-heart and soul with the Source of who you truly are are—your Whole and Awakened True Self.

  • Workbook

    A dedicated Evolutionary Empowerment™ Workbook specific to each of the 18 modules helps empower you and keeps you on track with self-inquiry and writing exercises.


    A BELIGHT MEDITATION® practice specific to each of the 18 modules empowers you to know how to integrate the light and power of your soul, heart, mind, and higher Self to feel ONE with You.

  • LoveToBE the Movement®

    A LoveToBE the Movement® practice specific to each of the 18 modules empowers you to integrate what you have learned throughout the course and ground it in your body through BEing ONE with your energy.

How You Benefit From Whole Self Workout™

In Part I - Whole Self Workout™ you can expand beyond limitation and fear to:

  • Find your true spiritual core.

  • Up-level your ability to discern.

  • Mend old pain and heart break.

  • Know who you are on a soul level.

  • Understand what makes you You.

  • Discover Infinite Source within you.

  • Accelerate grounded personal and spiritual growth.

  • Come through struggles within your Self and with your life.

  • Experience BEing in your body with greater love and energy.

  • Uplevel your boundaries to support your self-esteem and self-worth.

What You Will Experience

You benefit from Evolutionary Empowerment™ by BEcoming attuned and connected into your vital life force, pure power and love, and the light of who you TRULY are. Some experiences include:

  • Greater peace.

  • Life force power.

  • Self-actualization.

  • Your true purpose.

  • Refined discernment.

  • Your pure soul design.

  • Birthing your True Self.

  • Your pure soul design.

  • Spirit guided integration.

  • Less worry, anxiety, and fear.

What Makes Evolutionary Empowerment™ Unique

Evolutionary Empowerment™ provides you the map and tools to achieve BEing Whole from the inside out to help you to achieve your life goals and experience living from an anchored, aligned, and profound state of ONEness with Infinite Source to fulfill your life calling.

  • Know Your Whole Self

    Your Whole Self is the integrated experience of your authentic feminine and masculine energies, lost and forgotten abandoned, betrayed, and rejected parts of your Self, and the light of your soul BEing reconnected and unified. Experience becoming your Whole Self.

  • Experience ONEness

    ONEness is a sweet, powerful, all-compassing, inspiring, humbling, uplifting, enlightening, and soothing balm amidst living in a world of chaos and struggle. ONEness is possible for anyone who is ready to take the steps to go beyond fear and control.

  • Live From Your True Self

    Your True Self is found through the layers of your thought and feeling bodies in the center of your deepest love and light. It is free from all aberrations and returns to complete itself through union with God, your Infinite Source within you.

How You Benefit From ONEness Workout™

The ONEness Workout™ focuses on you integrating the experience of ONEness into YOU on a daily basis. Some of the direct benefits you can experience include:

  • Live beyond fear.

  • Find greater joy, peace, and love.

  • Feel ONE with the divine within you.

  • Manifest your life from the light that you are.

  • Move through sudden changes with greater ease.

  • Find your higher purpose through self-realization.

  • Move through the ways you have limited your Self.

  • Understand your personal transformational process.

  • Feel integrated in your body, emotions, soul, and spirit.

  • Increase your ability to let go of what needs to be let go of.

More What You Will Experience

Your outer achievements grow because of your inner reconnections, healing, realizations, and breakthroughs happen giving you the opportunity to liberate your Self from ingrained beliefs, fears, suffering, confusion, pain, and self-sabotage.

  • Greater light and illumination.

  • Ancestral and karmic healing.

  • Aligning into your true frequency.

  • Living from the center of your Self.

  • Your source of creative expression.

  • Your authentic presence and voice.

  • Greater inner strength and perseverance.

  • Divine masculine and feminine integration.

  • Emotional and psychological breakthroughs.

  • Divine heart, soul, and sexual transformation.


Tune in to how you respond to others, your own inner guidance, and the language of your soul emerging naturally and effortlessly.

  • Will I be able to move through Evolutionary Empowerment™ at my own rate?

    Yes, Evolutionary Empowerment™ is designed to guide you directly into the heart of your Self in increments so you can move into the awaiting you, the you who came into this lifetime to realize who you are, what you are here for and how to walk through your own limitations, fears, and old patterns into greater love and power. You will feel supported to move through Evolutionary Empowerment™ at your own rate. It is suggested that you stay in a dynamic flow and commitment with the course work to feel your progression.

  • How does the Spirit Gateways® group mentoring MasterHeart MasterMind™ support my experience with the course?

    Having direct support and guidance from Iana when you want and need brings home how important your individual, spiritual heart presence, and brilliance is in your life and in the world. Spirit Gateways® MasterHeart MasterMind™ illuminates the topics and pathway of your unique journey through answering questions, holding space as a powerful community together, guides your awakening through old stuck, outgrown, and ego-based perceptions into higher love, awareness, and empowerment. You are held, empowered, nurtured, and guided as you find a deeper and permanent connection to your Self that uplevels your abilities to fulfill your material, relationship, spiritual, creative, and physical goals.

  • Do both men and women benefit from Evolutionary Empowerment™?

    Yes, indeed! All of the Spirit Gateways® Institute programs come from the perspective of awakened and realized masculine-feminine sacred union. Every man and every woman have deep personal issues and engrained patterns to recalibrate and liberate. This is what makes these times amazing. Iana has fostered a profound understanding of how to free your true divinely-human feminine-masculine true Self. You can rest assured that the unique awakening journey for both man and woman is honored in Evolutionary Empowerment™.

  • How do I know if I am ready for Evolutionary Empowerment™?

    There are built in subtle indicators within your thinking-feeling body that can “speak” to you gently or communicate as a cosmic volcanic eruption. Feelings such as dissatisfaction with the intimacy in your relationship, feeling alone, feeling more resistant, struggling with self-doubt or self-judgment, wanting something more but not quite knowing what it is, feeling bored or fed up with how life on planet earth is feeling, experiencing sadness, depression, or anxiety, trauma, lacking enthusiasm for your life, feeling restless, fear, confusion, stuck, or seeking higher understanding, wanting to touch more transcendent joy, to move through feeling empty into feeling deep fulfillment, question why you are here or want to make a greater impact with your life and with your BEing are all messages from within you telling you that it is time to evolve and embody greater wisdom, your pure power and finding the shining gold of BEing your True Self. Trust you are ready.

Even More What You Will Experience.

As you experience the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Core Course roadmap and take to heart the power of learning how to return to your True Self, you WILL feel different. This feeling may be very subtle or very obvious.

  • More love, devotion, fulfillment, and patience.

  • Connection to your natural financial abundance.

  • Feeling free from illusionary thinking and perceptions.

  • Greater confidence to take the steps to fulfill your dreams.

  • Clarity and empowerment through BEing ONE with your whole Self.

  • Deconstruction what no longer works for you so you can birth your True Self.

Ignited In The Light - Iana's Story

Hear Firsthand How Iana Was Initiated On Her Spiritual Journey

What People Are Saying

The Next Step Of Your Spiritual Evolution Is To See and BE The Light That You Are

"I experienced a deeply heart aligning journey that changed how I relate to myself and my life."

Daniel L., Pasadena, California

“I experienced a deeply heart aligning journey that changed how I relate to myself and my life. Iana has constructed a result’s orientated course that will build your self-esteem, give you connection to who you truly are, and give you back you in a natural and empowering way.”

“Evolutionary Empowerment™ is the new roadmap for these times."

Lily K, Houston, Texas

“This is the new roadmap for these times. Do not settle for living your life in fear, disconnection, or half-way. Evolutionary Empowerment will take you through the door.”

"Iana is giving you the key back to you.”

Evelyn S., Providence, Rhode Island

“Your ah-ha moments will happen, do not second guess your desire to break free through what is invisible in you that holds you back from being all of you. Iana is giving you the key back to you.”

BELIGHT MEDITATION® - A Spirit Gateways® BodyMind Experience

Immerse Yourself In The Light That You Are

Portals of Light - Your Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers

What They Are ... Where They Are ... What They Do

LoveToBE the Movement® - An Integrated Holistic Full BodyMind Workout

An Integrated Holistic Full BodyMind Workout

MasterHeart MasterMind™ - Spirit Gateways® Group Mentoring

Join A Global Community Dedicated To Full-on Spiritual and Personal Growth

*** A Truly Great Holistic Deal ***

You can purchase Evolutionary Empowerment™ by itself or as a bundle of the Spirit Gateways® Core Courses - BE ONE. BE YOU.® and The Foundation Course™. Better yet, subscribe to the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village and get access to the entire Spirit Gateways® video course library including meditation and movement practices and group mentoring when subscribing to Tier 2 or Tier 3.