Watch Intro Video

BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass

Ignite the Torch of Love As An Impeccable Power For Our World

Course Curriculum

Receive the keys to unlocking the gateways to your True Self.

  • 1

    Welcome to BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass

    • A Message From Iana

    • Writing Resource - Inner Self-Dialoging Using Dominant Hand, Non-Dominant Hand Writing

  • 2

    Module 1.0 - One In Soul: Unlocking The Power Of Your Soul

    • 1.0 - Introduction - Reclaiming The Power Of You

    • 1.1 - Take The Call

    • 1.2 - How and Why We Leave Ourself

    • 1.3 - How the Wound Is Passed

    • 1.4 - Restoring Your Energy Matrix

    • 1.5 - BELIGHT MEDITATION® - White Fire

    • 1.6 - Emotional Healing

    • 1.7 - Finding Your Power

    • 1.8 - Listening To Yourself

    • 1.9 - Ending the Battles - Part I

    • 1.10 - One In Soul Practices - Introduction

    • 1.11 - One In Soul Practices

    • 1.12 - Review Your Learning For Module 1

  • 3

    Module 2.0 - Whole Body Enlightening: Discovering Your New Matrix

    • 2.0 - Introduction - The Power To BE

    • 2.1 - Know Your Source Codes

    • 2.2 - Clearing Ancestral and Karmic Wounds

    • 2.3 - Ego 101

    • 2.4 - Ego 102

    • 2.5 - Ending The Battles - Part II

    • 2.6 - BELIGHT MEDITATION® - Light Activation

    • 2.7 - Strengtheniing Your Core Self

    • 2.8 - Healing What Hurts

    • 2.9 - Growing Through Numbness, Denial and Resistance

    • 2.10 - How To Realize Love

    • 2.11 - Practice - Gateway To God

    • 2.12 - Review Your Learning - Module 2

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    Module 3.0 - Divine Masculine Feminine Integration: Ending The Battles Within You

    • 3.0 - Introduction - Ultimate Freedom

    • 3.1 - The Dark Light Split

    • 3.2 - Ego and Fear

    • 3.3 - Igniting Your Light

    • 3.4 - Transforming Your Shadow

    • 3.5 - Importance of Healing Core Ancestral Wounds

    • 3.6 - Busting Through Illusion

    • 3.7 - Light Dark Union Of Your Power Point Centers

    • 3.8 - The Sacred Codes Of The Divine Masculine Feminine

    • 3.9 - Societal and Cultural Masculine and Feminine Impact

    • 3.10 - Rescuing Your Disengaged Masculine and Feminine Selves

    • 3.11 - The Misuse and Right Use of Masculine and Feminine Energies

    • 3.12 - Power Point Centers For Integrated Masculine and Feminine Awakening

    • 3.13 - BELIGHT MEDITATION® - Finding The Divine Masculine Feminine You

    • 3.14 - Higher Sex and Liberation - Introduction

    • 3.15 - The Shadow Self Hidden Through Sex

    • 3.16 - Who and What You Are Merging With

    • 3.17 - Suppression Or Freedom Through Sex

    • 3.18 - Choosing The Light To Revolutionize The Love In Your Soul

    • 3.19 - Orgasmic Union

    • 3.20 - Divine Union

    • 3.21 - Review Your Learning - Module 3

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    Module 4.0 - Union Of Love & Power: Living In ONEness

    • 4.0 - Introduction - Seeking Love and Power

    • 4.1 - The Traps and Illusions Of Love

    • 4.2 - The Traps and Illusions Of Power

    • 4.3 - Seeing Through and Beyond Fear

    • 4.4 - The Secret Ingredients To Finding Love and Power

    • 4.5 - What Does Your Love and Power Align With?

    • 4.6 - How Can You Trust BEing You?

    • 4.7 - Find Your Dark Holes and Fill Them

    • 4.8 - Ending Judgement, Forgiving Yourself

    • 4.9 - Releasing Shame

    • 4.10 - Loving What You Do

    • 4.11 - Ending The Battles - Part III

    • 4.12 - Unifying Love and Power

    • 4.13 - LoveToBE the Movement - Introduction & Practice

    • 4.14 - BELIGHT MEDITATION® - Introduction

    • 4.14.1 - BELIGHT MEDITATION® - Practice - Dark Light Integration

    • 4.15 - Seeing Yourself Through A New Lens

    • 4.16 - Review Your Learning - Module 4

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    Module 5.0 - Conclusion

    • 5.0 - Congratulations! Here's what's next...

    • More Resources For You

    • A Quick Survey Before You Go ...

    • Please Share What You Learned ...

Module 1: One In Soul

Remember Who You Are

One in Soul is your first empowerment step to remembering who you are and to become One with your spiritual power. You will break through the “emotional and psychological stuff” that lessens your ability to BE all that you can BE, as you are guided to experience full alignment and connection to your soul purpose and True Self.

  • - Awaken the divine intelligence of your soul and free your Self to step through 
      the eye of the needle of your consciousness.
  • - Heal your heart and ignite the power of light and love that have the ability to 
      transform your life.
  • - End the ways that you abandon, betray, and reject your Self.


Module 2: Whole Body Enlightening

Tools To Be Empowered By The Light Within You

Whole Body Enlightening gives you the tools to be empowered by the light within you by guiding you how to ignite the life force within you. Whole Body Enlightening guides you to remember the light, power, truth, and infinite intelligence of your True Self. You are shown how to identify your ego and to end how you are controlled and manipulated by the fear that you have not known how to transform—giving you back the keys to your life

  • - BE centered in the light consciousness of your Whole Self
  • - Transform fear, sorrow, and pain into joy, bliss, and 
  • - Move through the underlying fears that keep your ego Self 
      locked into BEing the controller of your life.

Module 3: Divine Masculine-Feminine Integration

Reveal Your Soul's Pure Existence

Divine Masculine-Feminine Integration reveals your soul’s pure existence, joy, and divine intelligence. In this meeting with your enlightened Self you are able to source the frequency and light that lifts you up to recalibrate how you see, feel, and experience your Self and the world in a new way. Begin to understand that being alive is meant to be a sacred sexual-spiritual experience through unleashing your creative vibrancy and intelligence.

- Experience the essence of your life force energies. 

- Merge with what is most sacred and life-affirming

- End the battles within your Self.

- Heal the core splits within your life force.

Module 4: Union Of Love & Power

Unlock The Door To Resolve Pain & Suffering and Fear & Grief

Union of Love and Power gives you the keys to unlocking the door to resolving pain and suffering, fear, and grief, and guides you through the separations of your body, mind, and soul that have blocked you from BEing Whole. As we resolve the internal split between love and power, we are able to walk through the inner fires, earthquakes, avalanches, and tornadoes in our lives and stand in the center of our greatest ally—our unified Oneness—and BE. By living in the center point of your authentic power, the light of your soul can be expressed in your life and in the world with greater focus, love, and purposeful intention.

  • - Discover how you sabotage your Self and see through the veil into 
  • - Open to who you are, not who you think you are.
  • - Release fear and find exuberant joy and vitality.


BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass is a transformational process that heals and clears the old threads of suffering and illusion to reveal a new matrix of BEing. It is time to awaken and transform your old matrix of thinking, perceiving, and feeling into a 21st century experience of Oneness with your True Self.

  • A step-by-step guide to experience full awakening so you can embody freedom and truth as the foundation for your life.

  • Go beyond how you have been stuck, fragmented and afraid and learn how to love your Self and release the ways that you bypass BEing you.

  • Discover and crack the code to living your soul blueprint and lift up into a profound relationship with the Source of your True Self.

  • Liberate and integrate your divine and human super-consciousness and transform your life.

  • Dissolve the fear, pain, and resistance that you have been trapped by that have blocked you from knowing, trusting and BEing your True Self.

  • Discover your higher purpose, power, and calling.Discover your higher purpose, power, and calling.


Initiate the codes of your soul.​ | Ignite the power of your passion, purpose, and potential. | Integrate your divine masculine and feminine energies.

"Holding The Vision & Blueprint To Move Humanity Forward For These Times."

Debra Krupa, Organizational Development Coach & Practitioner, San Jose, CA

“Iana Lahi is a real deal messenger of light who is ushering in the new matrix for the planet. She is in a league of her own and beyond what most spiritual teachers are bringing forth. She carries within herself and is fully present to how to shift through the blocks that are holding humanity captive in its own web. Her humanness and compassion are a vital part of her commitment to help uplift each person into who they are, why they are here, and what they have to face and transform to be all that they already decided to accomplish on a soul level before coming into this lifetime. She is holding the vision and the blueprint to move humanity forward for these times.”

"Ready To Embrace The World Through Love & Light As Never Before."

Eileen Shuchat, The Paleo Potter, Toronto, Canada

“Iana speaks the truth in a profoundly insightful way. She guides and teaches, always honestly, and with the necessary balance of compassion and realism. Using the practice of meditation, as well as other tools, Iana has taught me how to “see” inside myself, helping me to identify my core issues, understand their origins, and then eventually, how to release these issues, finally freeing myself from their bonds. Spiritually, I feel as if I’m now viewing the world through new and fresh eyes, ready to embrace the world through love and light as never before.”

"Brings You Into Direct Connection With Your Own Unlimited Power, Vision, Mastery & Truth."

Rick Ward, Entrepreneur and Sales Consultant, Fairfax, Virginia

“Through my work with Iana, I began to have realizations that led me to a place of Serenity and the cultivation of a profound relationship with God/Quantum Field/Infinity, or whatever you choose to call it, that has given me the Love Found Within Self that had been missing for decades. This is the work that brings you into direct connection with your own unlimited power, vision, mastery, and truth by sourcing what is within you.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Unify the Light and The Consciousness Of Your Divine and Human Self Through Your Body

  • What is special about the Masterclass?

    You are given the roadmap to reconnect to your original Self, which opens you to the Source of your power, light, soul, and True Self.

  • How is the Masterclass different than the Spirit Gateways® Passport?

    BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass is a perfect starting point to mend the fragmentations between your Bodymind and soul and to begin to experience the union of your whole Self. You are guided through the most important meeting points of transformation to radically shift how you perceive your Self. The Spirit Gateways® Passport teaches how to unify, integrate and manifest your conscious physical-energetic-mental and emotional energies into the next higher octave of awareness to embody and live your life with more vibrancy and success.

  • How long will it be before I can see results?

    Upon listening to the section in Module 1 called Ending the Battle and practicing the One in Soul Practice at the end of Module 1, you can expect to have some significant breakthroughs. If you practice your new connection with your Self, you will see results.

  • How is the Masterclass different than other personal and spiritual development programs?

    You are taught how to simultaneously work from an “in the body” perspective to help you make radical shifts emotionally, energetically, psychologically, and spiritually.

  • Do I need any previous training to benefit from BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass?

    None, whatsoever, you just need to apply what you are being given in the class by taking time to practice the tools given.

Special Pricing to Ignite Your Life

We recognize the varied challenges faced by so many people worldwide, and we want to be sure to reach as many people as possible, so we have reduced the price to $397 inclusive of all videos and bonuses (Full retail value $997). As with all Spirit Gateways​® courses, your online access to BE: The Humanity Blueprint Masterclass remains in effect for your lifetime.